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Delicious Dinners
Prepared by  DAVID SNIECKUS 

Go to the following meet-up group for the dinner schedule and menu:

All meals include Kukicha Tea.
Mostly all ingredients are organic and of the highest standards.

Come be in community and enjoy the healthiest meal on planet earth!

Call (203) 518-1723 or e-mail for reservations and directions. 
Sliding scale: $20 - $35/meal.
Reservations requested 24 hours prior to dinner date and no later than Friday at noon. 
Make check payable to David Snieckus and send to: 
104 Cowles Road, Woodbury, CT 06798
(Note: Preferred payment is by cash or check.)

Let David know if interested in helping him cook in exchange for a free meal. Prerequisite: One of David's cooking classes, unless experienced.
Please contact us if you'd like to lead a workshop or discussion opener based upon a topic of your choice.

Feel free to pass on to other friends and kindred spirits.


David empowers individuals to experience optimum health, well-being and happiness through the understanding and practical application of Macrobiotics, particularly as it applies to the proper selection, cooking and eating of healthy foods. 

He offers cooking classes, consultations, community meals and take-out. 

His vision is "every kitchen a wellness center" and one peaceful and healthy world.

David is a graduate of the world renowned Kushi Institute, and has been practicing Macrobiotics since 1977.

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